ClassicLeague ================ Information for the :class:`ClassicLeague ` is taken from e.g. the following endpoint: An example of what information a :class:`ClassicLeague ` contains is shown below: .. code-block:: javascript { "new_entries": { "has_next": false, "number": 1, "results": [ { "id": 42289277, "entry_name": "Atl\u00e9tico Alitera\u00e7\u00e3o", "player_first_name": "Liam", "player_last_name": "O`Brien", "joined_time": "2019-01-21T13:41:56Z", "entry": 2513270, "league": 1137 }, ..., { "id": 42313251, "entry_name": "restnowmywarrior", "player_first_name": "Daniel", "player_last_name": "Trudgill", "joined_time": "2019-01-23T11:44:00Z", "entry": 952466, "league": 1137 } ] }, "league": { "id": 1137, "leagueban_set": [ ], "name": "Official \/r\/FantasyPL Classic League", "short_name": null, "created": "2018-07-05T15:01:19Z", "closed": false, "forum_disabled": false, "make_code_public": false, "rank": null, "size": null, "league_type": "x", "_scoring": "c", "reprocess_standings": false, "admin_entry": 3027, "start_event": 1 }, "standings": { "has_next": true, "number": 1, "results": [ { "id": 34680858, "entry_name": "Vaulen Tigers", "event_total": 72, "player_name": "Tore Bj\u00f8rheim", "movement": "same", "own_entry": false, "rank": 1, "last_rank": 1, "rank_sort": 1, "total": 1580, "entry": 226251, "league": 1137, "start_event": 1, "stop_event": 38 }, ..., { "id": 22006870, "entry_name": "( \u0361\u00b0 \u035c\u0296 \u0361\u00b0)", "event_total": 65, "player_name": "Amos Bastian", "movement": "down", "own_entry": true, "rank": 2185, "last_rank": 1943, "rank_sort": 2192, "total": 1404, "entry": 3808385, "league": 1137, "start_event": 1, "stop_event": 38 } ] }, "update_status": 0 } .. module:: fpl .. autoclass:: fpl.models.classic_league.ClassicLeague :members: