
Information for the Team is taken from the following endpoint:

An example of what information a Team (Manchester United) contains is shown below:

  "id": 14,
  "current_event_fixture": [
      "is_home": true,
      "month": 1,
      "event_day": 1,
      "id": 226,
      "day": 19,
      "opponent": 3
  "next_event_fixture": [
      "is_home": true,
      "month": 1,
      "event_day": 1,
      "id": 235,
      "day": 29,
      "opponent": 4
  "name": "Man Utd",
  "code": 1,
  "short_name": "MUN",
  "unavailable": false,
  "strength": 4,
  "position": 0,
  "played": 0,
  "win": 0,
  "loss": 0,
  "draw": 0,
  "points": 0,
  "form": null,
  "link_url": "",
  "strength_overall_home": 1280,
  "strength_overall_away": 1290,
  "strength_attack_home": 1250,
  "strength_attack_away": 1260,
  "strength_defence_home": 1310,
  "strength_defence_away": 1340,
  "team_division": 1
class, session)[source]

A class representing a real team in the Fantasy Premier League.

Basic usage:

from fpl import FPL
import aiohttp
import asyncio
async def main():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        fpl = FPL(session)
        team = await fpl.get_team(14)
# Python 3.7+
# Python 3.6
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Man Utd

Returns a list containing the team’s fixtures.

Parameters:return_json (bool) – (optional) Boolean. If True returns a list of dicts, if False returns a list of TeamFixture objects. Defaults to False.
Return type:list

Returns a list containing the players who play for the team. Does not include the player’s summary.

Parameters:return_json (bool) – (optional) Boolean. If True returns a list of dicts, if False returns a list of Player objects. Defaults to False.
Return type:list