
This part of the user guide will try to make it a bit more easy for users to get started with using fpl! Before starting, make sure that fpl is installed and up to date.

Using the FPL class

The FPL class is the main way you will be accessing information from the Fantasy Premier League’s API.

Begin by importing the FPL class from fpl:

from fpl import FPL

Because fpl uses aiohttp, we must also import this and pass a Client Session as an argument to the FPL class. You can either create a session and pass it like this:

import aiohttp
async def main():
    session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
    fpl = FPL(session)
        # ...
    await session.close()

or use a session context manager:

async def main():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        fpl = FPL(session)
        # ...

Now, let’s try to get a player. For this example, let’s get Manchester United’s star midfielder Paul Pogba (replace # … with this code):

player = await fpl.get_player(302)
Pogba - Midfielder - Man Utd

Now, we have a Player object called player. We can get all the information we need from this object. For example, if we want his points per game, or his total points, then we can simply do this:


Nearly all of FPL’s functions include the argument return_json - if you want to get a dict instead of e.g. a Player object, then you can simply do the following:

player = await fpl.get_player(302, return_json=True)

Nice, right? However, one important thing was left out. Because fpl is asynchronous, you must use asyncio to run the function:

import sys
import asyncio

if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
    # Python 3.7+
    # Python 3.6
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


Some of the Fantasy Premier League’s API endpoints require the user to be logged in. For example, the endpoint for my team) will return:

{"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."}

since you aren’t logged in to my account. To still allow fpl users to access this, the login function was added to FPL. It must be called before using other functions where login authentication is required. Let’s use my team as an example:

import asyncio
import aiohttp
from fpl import FPL
async def my_team(user_id):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        fpl = FPL(session)
        await fpl.login()
        user = await fpl.get_user(user_id)
        team = await user.get_team()
# Python 3.7+
# Python 3.6
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
[{'can_sub': True, 'has_played': False, 'is_sub': False, 'can_captain': True, 'selling_price': 46, 'multiplier': 1, 'is_captain': False, 'is_vice_captain': False, 'position': 1, 'element': 400}, ..., {'can_sub': True, 'has_played': False, 'is_sub': True, 'can_captain': True, 'selling_price': 44, 'multiplier': 1, 'is_captain': False, 'is_vice_captain': False, 'position': 15, 'element': 201}]