Source code for fpl.fpl

The FPL module.

Fantasy Premier League API:
* /bootstrap-static
* /bootstrap-dynamic
* /elements
* /element-summary/{player_id}
* /entry/{user_id}
* /entry/{user_id}/cup
* /entry/{user_id}/event/{event_id}/picks
* /entry/{user_id}/history
* /entry/{user_id}/transfers
* /events
* /event/{event_id}/live
* /fixtures/?event={event_id}
* /game-settings
* /leagues-classic-standings/{league_id}
* /leagues-classic-standings/{league_id}
* /leagues-entries-and-h2h-matches/league/{league_id}
* /leagues-h2h-standings/{league_id}
* /my-team/{user_id}
* /teams
* /transfers
import asyncio
import certifi
import itertools
import json
import os

from .constants import API_URLS
from .models.classic_league import ClassicLeague
from .models.fixture import Fixture
from .models.gameweek import Gameweek
from .models.h2h_league import H2HLeague
from .models.player import Player, PlayerSummary
from import Team
from .models.user import User
from .utils import (average, fetch, get_current_user, logged_in,
                    position_converter, scale, team_converter, ssl_context)
from urllib.request import urlopen

[docs]class FPL: """The FPL class.""" def __init__(self, session): self.session = session resp = urlopen(API_URLS["static"], context=ssl_context) static = json.loads("utf-8")) for k, v in static.items(): try: v = {w["id"]: w for w in v} except (KeyError, TypeError): pass setattr(self, k, v) try: setattr(self, "current_gameweek", next(event for event in static["events"] if event["is_current"])["id"]) except StopIteration: setattr(self, "current_gameweek", 0)
[docs] async def get_user(self, user_id=None, return_json=False): """Returns the user with the given ``user_id``. Information is taken from e.g.: :param user_id: A user's ID. :type user_id: string or int :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`User` object. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: :class:`User` or `dict` """ if user_id: assert int(user_id) > 0, "User ID must be a positive number." else: # If no user ID provided get it from current session try: user = await get_current_user(self.session) user_id = user["player"]["entry"] except TypeError: raise Exception("You must log in before using `get_user` if " "you do not provide a user ID.") url = API_URLS["user"].format(user_id) user = await fetch(self.session, url) if return_json: return user return User(user, session=self.session)
[docs] async def get_teams(self, team_ids=None, return_json=False): """Returns either a list of *all* teams, or a list of teams with IDs in the optional ``team_ids`` list. Information is taken from: :param list team_ids: (optional) List containing the IDs of teams. If not set a list of *all* teams will be returned. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of ``dict``s, if ``False`` returns a list of :class:`Team` objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: list """ teams = getattr(self, "teams") if team_ids: team_ids = set(team_ids) teams = [team for team in teams.values() if team["id"] in team_ids] else: teams = [team for team in teams.values()] if return_json: return teams return [Team(team_information, self.session) for team_information in teams]
[docs] async def get_team(self, team_id, return_json=False): """Returns the team with the given ``team_id``. Information is taken from: :param team_id: A team's ID. :type team_id: string or int :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`Team` object. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: :class:`Team` or ``dict`` For reference here is the mapping from team ID to team name: .. code-block:: none 1 - Arsenal 2 - Aston Villa 3 - Brentford 4 - Brighton 5 - Burnley 6 - Chelsea 7 - Crystal Palace 8 - Everton 9 - Leicester 10 - Leeds 11 - Liverpool 12 - Man City 13 - Man Utd 14 - Newcastle 15 - Norwich 16 - Southampton 17 - Spurs 18 - Watford 19 - West Ham 20 - Wolves """ assert 0 < int( team_id) < 21, "Team ID must be a number between 1 and 20." teams = getattr(self, "teams") team = next(team for team in teams.values() if team["id"] == int(team_id)) if return_json: return team return Team(team, self.session)
[docs] async def get_player_summary(self, player_id, return_json=False): """Returns a summary of the player with the given ``player_id``. Information is taken from e.g.: :param int player_id: A player's ID. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`PlayerSummary` object. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: :class:`PlayerSummary` or ``dict`` """ assert int(player_id) > 0, "Player's ID must be a positive number" url = API_URLS["player"].format(player_id) player_summary = await fetch(self.session, url) if return_json: return player_summary return PlayerSummary(player_summary)
[docs] async def get_player_summaries(self, player_ids, return_json=False): """Returns a list of summaries of players whose ID are in the ``player_ids`` list. Information is taken from e.g.: :param list player_ids: A list of player IDs. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of ``dict``s, if ``False`` returns a list of :class:`PlayerSummary` objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: list """ if not player_ids: return [] tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( fetch(self.session, API_URLS["player"].format(player_id))) for player_id in player_ids] player_summaries = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) if return_json: return player_summaries return [PlayerSummary(player_summary) for player_summary in player_summaries]
[docs] async def get_player(self, player_id, players=None, include_summary=False, return_json=False): """Returns the player with the given ``player_id``. Information is taken from e.g.: (optional) :param player_id: A player's ID. :type player_id: string or int :param list players: (optional) A list of players. :param bool include_summary: (optional) Includes a player's summary if ``True``. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`Player` object. Defaults to ``False``. :rtype: :class:`Player` or ``dict`` :raises ValueError: Player with ``player_id`` not found """ if not players: players = getattr(self, "elements") try: player = next(player for player in players.values() if player["id"] == player_id) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f"Player with ID {player_id} not found") if include_summary: player_summary = await self.get_player_summary( player["id"], return_json=True) player.update(player_summary) if return_json: return player return Player(player, self.session)
[docs] async def get_players(self, player_ids=None, include_summary=False, return_json=False): """Returns either a list of *all* players, or a list of players whose IDs are in the given ``player_ids`` list. Information is taken from e.g.: (optional) :param list player_ids: (optional) A list of player IDs :param boolean include_summary: (optional) Includes a player's summary if ``True``. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of ``dict``s, if ``False`` returns a list of :class:`Player` objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: list """ players = getattr(self, "elements") if not include_summary: if player_ids: players = [player for player in list(players.values()) if player["id"] in player_ids] else: players = list(players.values()) if not return_json: players = [Player(player, self.session) for player in players] return players if not player_ids: player_ids = [player["id"] for player in list(players.values())] tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( self.get_player( player_id, players, include_summary, return_json)) for player_id in player_ids] players = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) return players
[docs] async def get_fixture(self, fixture_id, return_json=False): """Returns the fixture with the given ``fixture_id``. Information is taken from e.g.: :param int fixture_id: The fixture's ID. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`Fixture` object. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: :class:`Fixture` or ``dict`` :raises ValueError: if fixture with ``fixture_id`` not found """ fixtures = await fetch(self.session, API_URLS["fixtures"]) try: fixture = next(fixture for fixture in fixtures if fixture["id"] == fixture_id) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f"Fixture with ID {fixture_id} not found") fixture_gameweek = fixture["event"] gameweek_fixtures = await fetch( self.session, API_URLS["gameweek_fixtures"].format(fixture_gameweek)) try: fixture = next(fixture for fixture in gameweek_fixtures if fixture["id"] == fixture_id) except StopIteration: raise ValueError( f"Fixture with ID {fixture_id} not found in gameweek fixtures") if return_json: return fixture return Fixture(fixture)
[docs] async def get_fixtures_by_id(self, fixture_ids, return_json=False): """Returns a list of all fixtures with IDs included in the `fixture_ids` list. Information is taken from e.g.: :param list fixture_ids: A list of fixture IDs. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of ``dict``s, if ``False`` returns a list of :class:`Fixture` objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: list """ if not fixture_ids: return [] fixtures = await fetch(self.session, API_URLS["fixtures"]) fixture_gameweeks = set(fixture["event"] for fixture in fixtures if fixture["id"] in fixture_ids) tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( fetch(self.session, API_URLS["gameweek_fixtures"].format(gameweek))) for gameweek in fixture_gameweeks] gameweek_fixtures = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) merged_fixtures = list(itertools.chain(*gameweek_fixtures)) fixtures = [fixture for fixture in merged_fixtures if fixture["id"] in fixture_ids] if return_json: return fixtures return [Fixture(fixture) for fixture in fixtures]
[docs] async def get_fixtures_by_gameweek(self, gameweek, return_json=False): """Returns a list of all fixtures of the given ``gameweek``. Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: A gameweek. :type gameweek: string or int :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of ``dict``s, if ``False`` returns a list of :class:`Player` objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: list """ fixtures = await fetch(self.session, API_URLS["gameweek_fixtures"].format(gameweek)) if return_json: return fixtures return [Fixture(fixture) for fixture in fixtures]
[docs] async def get_fixtures(self, return_json=False): """Returns a list of *all* fixtures. Information is taken from e.g.: :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of ``dicts``, if ``False`` returns a list of :class:`Fixture` objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: list """ task = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(self.session, API_URLS["fixtures"])) gameweek_fixtures = await asyncio.gather(task) fixtures = list(itertools.chain(*gameweek_fixtures)) if return_json: return fixtures return [Fixture(fixture) for fixture in fixtures]
[docs] async def get_gameweek(self, gameweek_id, include_live=False, return_json=False): """Returns the gameweek with the ID ``gameweek_id``. Information is taken from e.g.: :param int gameweek_id: A gameweek's ID. :param bool include_live: (optional) Includes a gameweek's live data if ``True``. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`Gameweek` object. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: :class:`Gameweek` or ``dict`` """ static_gameweeks = getattr(self, "events") try: static_gameweek = next( gameweek for gameweek in static_gameweeks.values() if gameweek["id"] == gameweek_id) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f"Gameweek with ID {gameweek_id} not found") if include_live: live_gameweek = await fetch( self.session, API_URLS["gameweek_live"].format(gameweek_id)) # Convert element list to dict live_gameweek["elements"] = { element["id"]: element for element in live_gameweek["elements"]} # Include live bonus points if not static_gameweek["finished"]: fixtures = await self.get_fixtures_by_gameweek(gameweek_id) fixtures = filter(lambda f: not f.finished, fixtures) bonus_for_gameweek = [] for fixture in fixtures: bonus = fixture.get_bonus(provisional=True) bonus_for_gameweek.extend(bonus["a"] + bonus["h"]) bonus_for_gameweek = {bonus["element"]: bonus["value"] for bonus in bonus_for_gameweek} for player_id, bonus_points in bonus_for_gameweek.items(): if live_gameweek["elements"][player_id]["stats"]["bonus"] == 0: live_gameweek["elements"][player_id]["stats"]["bonus"] += bonus_points live_gameweek["elements"][player_id]["stats"]["total_points"] += bonus_points static_gameweek.update(live_gameweek) if return_json: return static_gameweek return Gameweek(static_gameweek)
[docs] async def get_gameweeks(self, gameweek_ids=None, include_live=False, return_json=False): """Returns either a list of *all* gamweeks, or a list of gameweeks whose IDs are in the ``gameweek_ids`` list. Information is taken from e.g.: :param list gameweek_ids: (optional) A list of gameweek IDs. :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a list of ``dict``s, if ``False`` returns a list of :class:`Gameweek` objects. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: list """ if not gameweek_ids: gameweek_ids = range(1, 39) tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( self.get_gameweek(gameweek_id, include_live, return_json)) for gameweek_id in gameweek_ids] gameweeks = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) return gameweeks
[docs] async def get_classic_league(self, league_id, return_json=False): """Returns the classic league with the given ``league_id``. Requires the user to have logged in using ``fpl.login()``. Information is taken from e.g.: :param string league_id: A classic league's ID. :type league_id: string or int :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`ClassicLeague` object. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: :class:`ClassicLeague` or ``dict`` """ if not logged_in(self.session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") url = API_URLS["league_classic"].format(league_id) league = await fetch(self.session, url) if return_json: return league return ClassicLeague(league, session=self.session)
[docs] async def get_h2h_league(self, league_id, return_json=False): """Returns a `H2HLeague` object with the given `league_id`. Requires the user to have logged in using ``fpl.login()``. Information is taken from e.g.: :param league_id: A H2H league's ID. :type league_id: string or int :param return_json: (optional) Boolean. If ``True`` returns a ``dict``, if ``False`` returns a :class:`H2HLeague` object. Defaults to ``False``. :type return_json: bool :rtype: :class:`H2HLeague` or ``dict`` """ if not logged_in(self.session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") url = API_URLS["league_h2h"].format(league_id) league = await fetch(self.session, url) if return_json: return league return H2HLeague(league, session=self.session)
[docs] async def login(self, email=None, password=None): """Returns a requests session with FPL login authentication. :param string email: Email address for the user's Fantasy Premier League account. :param string password: Password for the user's Fantasy Premier League account. """ if not email and not password: email = os.getenv("FPL_EMAIL", None) password = os.getenv("FPL_PASSWORD", None) if not email or not password: raise ValueError("Email and password must be set") payload = { "login": email, "password": password, "app": "plfpl-web", "redirect_uri": "" } login_url = "" async with, data=payload, ssl=ssl_context, headers={"User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1; PRO 5 Build/LMY47D)"}) as response: state = response.url.query["state"] if state == "fail": reason = response.url.query["reason"] raise ValueError(f"Login not successful, reason: {reason}")
[docs] async def get_points_against(self): """Returns a dictionary containing the points scored against all teams in the Premier League, split by position and location. An example: .. code-block:: javascript { "Man City": { "all": { "H": [3, ..., 1], "A": [2, ..., 2] }, "goalkeeper": { "H": [3, ..., 3], "A": [2, ..., 3] }, "defender": { "H": [1, ..., 2], "A": [4, ..., 1] }, "midfielder": { "H": [2, ..., 1], "A": [2, ..., 2] }, "forward": { "H": [1, ..., 2], "A": [6, ..., 1] } }, ... } :rtype: dict """ players = await self.get_players( include_summary=True, return_json=True) points_against = {} for player in players: position = position_converter(player["element_type"]).lower() for fixture in player["history"]: if fixture["minutes"] == 0: continue points = fixture["total_points"] opponent = team_converter(fixture["opponent_team"]) location = "H" if fixture["was_home"] else "A" points_against.setdefault( opponent, { "all": {"H": [], "A": []}, "goalkeeper": {"H": [], "A": []}, "defender": {"H": [], "A": []}, "midfielder": {"H": [], "A": []}, "forward": {"H": [], "A": []} } ) points_against[opponent]["all"][location].append(points) points_against[opponent][position][location].append(points) return points_against
[docs] async def FDR(self): """Creates a new Fixture Difficulty Ranking (FDR) based on the number of points each team gives up to players in the Fantasy Premier League. These numbers are also between 1.0 and 5.0 to give a similar ranking system to the official FDR. An example: .. code-block:: javascript { "Man City": { "all": { "H": 4.4524439427082, "A": 5 }, "goalkeeper": { "H": 3.6208195949129, "A": 5 }, "defender": { "H": 3.747999604078, "A": 5 }, "midfielder": { "H": 4.6103045986504, "A": 5 }, "forward": { "H": 5, "A": 3.9363219561895 } }, ..., "Arsenal": { "all": { "H": 3.4414041151234, "A": 4.2904529162594 }, "goalkeeper": { "H": 4.1106924163919, "A": 4.3867595818815 }, "defender": { "H": 3.6720291204673, "A": 4.3380917450181 }, "midfielder": { "H": 3.3537357534825, "A": 4.0706443384718 }, "forward": { "H": 2.5143403441683, "A": 4.205298013245 } } } :rtype: dict """ def average_points_against(points_against): """Returns a dict with the average points scored against all teams, per position and location. :param dict points_against: A dict containing the points scored against each team in the Premier League. :rtype: dict """ for team, positions in points_against.items(): for position in positions.values(): position["H"] = average(position["H"]) position["A"] = average(position["A"]) points_against[team] = positions return points_against def get_extrema(points_against): """Returns the extrema for each position and location. :param dict points_against: A dict containing the points scored against each team in the Premier League. :rtype: dict """ averages = {} for _, positions in points_against.items(): for position, average in positions.items(): averages.setdefault(position, {"H": [], "A": []}) averages[position]["H"].append(average["H"]) averages[position]["A"].append(average["A"]) for position, locations in averages.items(): min_h = min(locations["H"]) min_a = min(locations["A"]) max_h = max(locations["H"]) max_a = max(locations["A"]) averages[position]["H"] = [min_h, max_h] averages[position]["A"] = [min_a, max_a] return averages def calculate_fdr(average_points, extrema): """Returns a dict containing the FDR for each team, which is calculated by scaling the average points conceded per position between 1.0 and 5.0 using the given extrema. :param dict points_against: A dict containing the points scored against each team in the Premier League. :param dict extrema: A dict containing the extrema for each position and location. :rtype: dict """ for team, positions in average_points.items(): for position, locations in positions.items(): min_h, max_h = extrema[position]["H"] min_a, max_a = extrema[position]["A"] fdr_h = scale(locations["H"], 5.0, 1.0, min_h, max_h) fdr_a = scale(locations["A"], 5.0, 1.0, min_a, max_a) average_points[team][position]["H"] = fdr_h average_points[team][position]["A"] = fdr_a return average_points points_against = await self.get_points_against() average_points = average_points_against(points_against) extrema = get_extrema(average_points) fdr = calculate_fdr(average_points, extrema) return fdr