Source code for fpl.models.user

import asyncio
import json

import aiohttp
from urllib3.util import response

from ..constants import API_URLS, MIN_GAMEWEEK, MAX_GAMEWEEK
from ..utils import fetch, logged_in, post, get_headers

is_c = "is_captain"
is_vc = "is_vice_captain"

def valid_gameweek(gameweek):
    """Returns True if the gameweek is valid.

    :param gameweek: The gameweek.
    :type gameweek: int or string
    :raises ValueError: if gameweek is not a number between 1 and 38
    gameweek = int(gameweek)
    if (gameweek < MIN_GAMEWEEK) or (gameweek > MAX_GAMEWEEK):
        raise ValueError(f"Gameweek must be a number between {MIN_GAMEWEEK} and {MAX_GAMEWEEK}.")
    return True

def _ids_to_lineup(player_ids, user_team):
    """Helper for converting list of player IDs to usable lineup.

    :param player_ids: List of player IDS.
    :type player_ids: list
    :param user_team: The user's current team.
    :type user_team: list
    :return: A usable lineup.
    :rtype: list
    return [next(player for player in user_team
                 if player["element"] == player_id)
            for player_id in player_ids]

def _id_to_element_type(player_id, players):
    """Helper for converting a player's ID to their respective element type:
    1, 2, 3 or 4.

    :param player_id: A player's ID.
    :type player_id: int
    :param players: List of all players in the Fantasy Premier League.
    :type players: list
    :return: The player's element type.
    :rtype: int
    player = next(player for player in players
                  if player["id"] == player_id)
    return player["element_type"]

def _set_element_type(lineup, players):
    """Helper for setting the players' element types.

    :param lineup: The user's current lineup.
    :type lineup: list
    :param players: List of all players in the Fantasy Premier League.
    :type players: list
    for player in lineup:
        element_type = _id_to_element_type(player["element"], players)
        player["element_type"] = element_type

def _set_captain(lineup, captain, captain_type, player_ids):
    """Sets the given captain's captain_type to True.

    :param lineup: List of players.
    :type lineup: list
    :param captain: ID of the captain.
    :type captain: int or str
    :param captain_type: The captain type: 'is_captain' or 'is_vice_captain'.
    :type captain_type: string
    :param player_ids: List of the team's players' IDs.
    :type player_ids: list
    if captain and captain not in player_ids:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot (vice) captain player who isn't in user's team.")

    current_captain = next(player for player in lineup if player[captain_type])
    chosen_captain = next(player for player in lineup
                          if player["element"] == captain)

    # If the chosen captain is already a (vice) captain, then give his previous
    # role to the current (vice) captain.
    if chosen_captain[is_c] or chosen_captain[is_vc]:
        current_captain[is_c], chosen_captain[is_c] = (
            chosen_captain[is_c], current_captain[is_c])
        current_captain[is_vc], chosen_captain[is_vc] = (
            chosen_captain[is_vc], current_captain[is_vc])

    for player in lineup:
        player[captain_type] = False

        if player["element"] == captain:
            player[captain_type] = True

[docs]class User(): """A class representing a user of the Fantasy Premier League. Basic usage:: from fpl import FPL import aiohttp import asyncio async def main(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: fpl = FPL(session) user = await fpl.get_user(3808385) print(user) ... # Python 3.7+ ... # Python 3.6 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) Amos Bastian - Netherlands """ def __init__(self, user_information, session): self._session = session for k, v in user_information.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] async def get_gameweek_history(self, gameweek=None): """Returns a list containing the gameweek history of the user. Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: (optional): The gameweek. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: list if gameweek is ``None``, otherwise dict. """ if hasattr(self, "_history"): history = self._history else: history = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_history"].format( self._history = history if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) return next(gw for gw in history["current"] if gw["event"] == gameweek) return history["current"]
[docs] async def get_season_history(self): """Returns a list containing the seasonal history of the user. Information is taken from e.g.: :rtype: list """ if hasattr(self, "_history"): history = self._history else: history = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_history"].format( self._history = history return history["past"]
[docs] async def get_chips_history(self, gameweek=None): """Returns a list containing the chip history of the user. Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: (optional): The gameweek. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: list """ if hasattr(self, "_history"): history = self._history else: history = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_history"].format( self._history = history if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) try: return next(chip for chip in history["chips"] if chip["event"] == gameweek) except StopIteration: return None return history["chips"]
[docs] async def get_picks(self, gameweek=None): """Returns a dict containing the user's picks each gameweek. Key is the gameweek number, value contains picks of the gameweek. Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: (optional): The gameweek. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: dict """ if hasattr(self, "_picks"): picks = self._picks else: tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( fetch(self._session, API_URLS["user_picks"].format(, gameweek))) for gameweek in range(self.started_event, self.current_event + 1)] picks = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) self._picks = picks if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) try: pick = next(pick for pick in picks if pick["entry_history"]["event"] == gameweek) except StopIteration: return {} else: return {pick["entry_history"]["event"]: pick["picks"]} picks_out = {} for pick in picks: try: picks_out[pick["entry_history"]["event"]] = pick["picks"] except KeyError: pass return picks_out
[docs] async def get_cup_matches(self, gameweek=None): """Returns either a list of all the user's cup matches, dictionary of the cup match in the given gameweek (gameweek 17 and onwards). Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: (optional): The gameweek. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: list or dict """ cup = getattr(self, "_cup", None) if not cup: cup = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_cup"].format( self._cup = cup if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) return [cup_match for cup_match in cup["cup_matches"] if cup_match["event"] == gameweek] return cup["cup_matches"]
[docs] async def get_cup_status(self): """Returns the user's cup status. Information is taken from e.g.: :rtype: dict """ cup = getattr(self, "_cup", None) if not cup: cup = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_cup"].format( self._cup = cup return cup["cup_status"]
[docs] async def get_active_chips(self, gameweek=None): """Returns a list containing the user's active chip for each gameweek, or the active chip of the given gameweek. Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: (optional): The gameweek. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: list """ if hasattr(self, "_picks"): picks = self._picks else: tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( fetch(self._session, API_URLS["user_picks"].format(, gameweek))) for gameweek in range(1, self.current_event + 1)] picks = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) self._picks = picks if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) try: return [next(pick["active_chip"] for pick in picks if pick["entry_history"]["event"] == gameweek)][0] except StopIteration: return None return [pick["active_chip"] for pick in picks]
[docs] async def get_automatic_substitutions(self, gameweek=None): """Returns a list containing the user's automatic substitutions each gameweek. Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: (optional): The gameweek. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: list """ if hasattr(self, "_picks"): picks = self._picks else: tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( fetch(self._session, API_URLS["user_picks"].format(, gameweek))) for gameweek in range(1, self.current_event + 1)] picks = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) self._picks = picks if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) try: return next(pick["automatic_subs"] for pick in picks if pick["entry_history"]["event"] == gameweek) except StopIteration: return None return [p for pick in picks for p in pick["automatic_subs"]]
[docs] async def get_user_history(self, gameweek=None): """Returns a list containing the user's history for each gameweek, or a dictionary of the user's history for the given gameweek. :rtype: list or dict """ if hasattr(self, "_picks"): picks = self._picks else: tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future( fetch(self._session, API_URLS["user_picks"].format(, gameweek))) for gameweek in range(self.started_event, self.current_event + 1)] picks = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) self._picks = picks if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) try: return next(pick["entry_history"] for pick in picks if pick["entry_history"]["event"] == gameweek) except StopIteration: return None return [history["entry_history"] for history in picks]
[docs] async def get_team(self): """Returns a logged in user's current team. Requires the user to have logged in using ``fpl.login()``. Information is taken from e.g.: :rtype: list """ if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") try: response = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_team"].format( except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: raise Exception("User ID does not match provided email address!") if response.get("detail") == "Not found.": raise Exception("Data not found. Please ensure user ID matches provided email address.") return response["picks"]
[docs] async def get_chips(self): """Returns a logged in user's list of chips. Requires the user to have logged in using ``fpl.login()``. Information is taken from e.g.: :rtype: list """ if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") try: response = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_team"].format( except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: raise Exception("User ID does not match provided email address!") return response["chips"]
[docs] async def get_transfers_status(self): """Returns a logged in user's transfer status, which is a dictionary containing their bank value, how many free transfers they have left and so on. Requires the user to have logged in using ``fpl.login()``. Information is taken from e.g.: :rtype: dict """ if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") try: response = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_team"].format( except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: raise Exception("User ID does not match provided email address!") return response["transfers"]
[docs] async def get_transfers(self, gameweek=None): """Returns either a list of all the user's transfers, or a list of transfers made in the given gameweek. Information is taken from e.g.: :param gameweek: (optional): The gameweek. Defaults to ``None``. :rtype: list """ transfers = getattr(self, "_transfers", None) if not transfers: transfers = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_transfers"].format( self._transfers = transfers if gameweek is not None: valid_gameweek(gameweek) return [transfer for transfer in transfers if transfer["event"] == gameweek] return transfers
[docs] async def get_latest_transfers(self): """Returns a list of transfers made by the user in the current gameweek. Requires the user to have logged in using ``fpl.login()``. Information is taken from e.g.: :rtype: list """ if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") try: transfers = await fetch( self._session, API_URLS["user_latest_transfers"].format( except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: raise Exception("User ID does not match provided email address!") return transfers
# async def get_wildcards(self): # """Returns a list containing information about when (and if) the user # has played their wildcard(s). # Information is taken from e.g.: # # :rtype: list # """ # if hasattr(self, "_transfers"): # return self._transfers["wildcards"] # transfers = await fetch( # self._session, API_URLS["user_transfers"].format( # self._transfers = transfers # return transfers["wildcards"]
[docs] async def get_watchlist(self): """Returns the user's watchlist. Requires the user to have logged in using ``fpl.login()``. Information is taken from here: :rtype: list """ if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") me = await fetch(self._session, API_URLS["me"]) return me["watched"]
def _get_transfer_payload( self, players_out, players_in, user_team, players, wildcard, free_hit): """Returns the payload needed to make the desired transfers.""" event = 0 if (self.current_event): event = self.current_event payload = { "confirmed": False, "entry":, "event": event + 1, "transfers": [], "wildcard": wildcard, "freehit": free_hit } for player_out_id, player_in_id in zip(players_out, players_in): player_out = next(player for player in user_team if player["element"] == player_out_id) player_in = next(player for player in players if player["id"] == player_in_id) payload["transfers"].append({ "element_in": player_in["id"], "element_out": player_out["element"], "purchase_price": player_in["now_cost"], "selling_price": player_out["selling_price"] }) return payload
[docs] async def transfer(self, players_out, players_in, max_hit=60, wildcard=False, free_hit=False): """Transfers given players out and transfers given players in. :param players_out: List of IDs of players who will be transferred out. :type players_out: list :param players_in: List of IDs of players who will be transferred in. :type players_in: list :param max_hit: Maximum hit that should be taken by making the transfer(s), defaults to 60 :param max_hit: int, optional :param wildcard: Boolean for playing wildcard, defaults to False :param wildcard: bool, optional :param free_hit: Boolean for playing free hit, defaults to False :param free_hit: bool, optional :return: Returns the response given by a succesful transfer. :rtype: dict """ if wildcard and free_hit: raise Exception("Can only use 1 of wildcard and free hit.") if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") if not players_out or not players_in: raise Exception( "Lists must both contain at least one player's ID.") if len(players_out) != len(players_in): raise Exception("Number of players transferred in must be same as " "number transferred out.") if not set(players_in).isdisjoint(players_out): raise Exception("Player ID can't be in both lists.") user_team = await self.get_team() team_ids = [player["element"] for player in user_team] if not set(team_ids).isdisjoint(players_in): raise Exception( "Cannot transfer a player in who is already in the user's team.") if set(team_ids).isdisjoint(players_out): raise Exception( "Cannot transfer a player out who is not in the user's team.") players = await fetch(self._session, API_URLS["static"]) players = players["elements"] player_ids = [player["id"] for player in players] if set(player_ids).isdisjoint(players_in): raise Exception("Player ID in `players_in` does not exist.") # Send POST requests with `confirmed` set to False; this basically # checks if there are any errors from FPL's side for this transfer, # e.g. too many players from the same team, or not enough money. payload = self._get_transfer_payload( players_out, players_in, user_team, players, wildcard, free_hit) headers = get_headers( "") post_response = await post( self._session, API_URLS["transfers"], json.dumps(payload), headers) if "non_form_errors" in post_response: raise Exception(post_response["non_form_errors"]) if post_response["spent_points"] > max_hit: raise Exception( f"Point hit for transfer(s) [-{post_response['spent_points']}]" f" exceeds max_hit [{max_hit}].") # Everything is okay, so push the transfer through! payload["confirmed"] = True post_response = await post( self._session, API_URLS["transfers"], json.dumps(payload), headers) return post_response
async def _create_new_lineup(self, players_in, players_out, lineup): """Helper for creating the new lineup of players. :param players_in: List of IDs of players who will be substituted in. :type players_in: list :param players_out: List of IDs of players who will be substituted out. :type players_out: list :param lineup: List containing the user's current lineup. :type lineup: list :return: Returns the new lineup. :rtype: list """ players = await fetch(self._session, API_URLS["static"]) players = players["elements"] _set_element_type(lineup, players) subs_in = _ids_to_lineup(players_in, lineup) subs_out = _ids_to_lineup(players_out, lineup) for sub_out, sub_in in zip(subs_out, subs_in): # Get indices of sub out and sub in, then swap their position in # the lineup out_i, in_i = lineup.index(sub_out), lineup.index(sub_in) lineup[out_i], lineup[in_i] = lineup[in_i], lineup[out_i] # Swap position and (vice) captaincy lineup[out_i]["position"], lineup[in_i]["position"] = ( lineup[in_i]["position"], lineup[out_i]["position"]) lineup[out_i][is_c], lineup[in_i][is_c] = ( lineup[in_i][is_c], lineup[out_i][is_c]) lineup[out_i][is_vc], lineup[in_i][is_vc] = ( lineup[in_i][is_vc], lineup[out_i][is_vc]) starters, subs = lineup[:11], lineup[11:] new_starters = sorted(starters, key=lambda x: ( x["element_type"] - 1) * 100 + x["position"]) lineup = new_starters + subs for position, player in enumerate(lineup): player["position"] = position + 1 new_lineup = [{ "element": player["element"], "position": player["position"], "is_captain": player[is_c], "is_vice_captain": player[is_vc] } for player in lineup] return new_lineup async def _post_substitutions(self, lineup): """Helper for sending the POST requests with the new lineup. :param lineup: The new lineup. :type lineup: list """ # Get CSRF token and create payload + headers payload = json.dumps({"chip": None, "picks": lineup}) headers = get_headers("") await post( self._session, API_URLS["user_team"].format( + "/", payload=payload, headers=headers) async def _captain_helper(self, captain, captain_type): """Helper for setting the (vice) captain of the user's team.""" if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") user_team = await self.get_team() team_ids = [player["element"] for player in user_team] _set_captain(user_team, captain, captain_type, team_ids) lineup = await self._create_new_lineup([], [], user_team) await self._post_substitutions(lineup)
[docs] async def captain(self, captain): """Set the captain of the user's team. :param captain: ID of the captain. :type captain: int """ await self._captain_helper(captain, is_c)
[docs] async def vice_captain(self, vice_captain): """Set the vice captain of the user's team. :param vice_captain: ID of the vice captain. :type vice_captain: int """ await self._captain_helper(vice_captain, is_vc)
[docs] async def substitute(self, players_in, players_out, captain=None, vice_captain=None): """Substitute players on the bench for players in the starting eleven. Also allows the user to simultaneously set the new (vice) captain(s). A maximum of 4 substitutes is set to force proper usage. :param players_in: List of IDs of players who will be substituted in. :type players_in: list :param players_out: List of IDS of players who will be substituted out. :type players_out: list :param captain: ID of the captain, defaults to None. :param captain: int, optional :param vice_captain: ID of the vice captain, defaults to None. :param vice_captain: int, optional """ if not logged_in(self._session): raise Exception("User must be logged in.") if len(players_out) > 4 or len(players_in) > 4: raise Exception("Can only substitute a maximum of 4 players.") if len(players_out) != len(players_in): raise Exception("Number of players substituted in must be same as " "number substituted out.") if not set(players_in).isdisjoint(players_out): raise Exception("Player ID can't be in both lists.") user_team = await self.get_team() team_ids = [player["element"] for player in user_team] substitution_ids = players_out + players_in if not set(substitution_ids).issubset(team_ids): raise Exception( "Cannot substitute players who aren't in the user's team.") # Set new captain or vice captain if applicable if captain: _set_captain(user_team, captain, is_c, team_ids) if vice_captain: _set_captain(user_team, vice_captain, is_vc, team_ids) lineup = await self._create_new_lineup( players_in, players_out, user_team) await self._post_substitutions(lineup)
def __str__(self): return (f"{self.player_first_name} {self.player_last_name} - " f"{self.player_region_name}")